
This weeks blog is a very dear topic to my heart. In my upcoming book I dedicate a couple of different chapters to this subject. You cannot experience the death of a loved one or even the Christmas season without addressing the topic of Angels. I would like to share with you a couple of special experiences that have happened in regard to Kory.  This will be a readers digest version, the whole story will be contained in my book.

On the night before Kory’s death it was a Sunday and we had attended church that day where I sang in the choir. That evening a dear friend Mary Howard who happened to be our choir director had a gathering at her home. Randy and I went over to the Howard’s for a few minutes to say hello to everyone. All of the boys decided to stay at home except Kory. He wanted to come with us. A few minutes after we had arrived at the party and were socializing, Kory came and found me.

“ Mom you need to come see this!” he said with excitement.

I followed him to the front foyer, he pointed up. “Isn’t she beautiful!”

Above in an alcove stood a beautiful rainbow winged angel. She stood about three feet tall. I told Kory that she was beautiful. We asked Vic Howard about the angel. He explained Mary finding the angel and putting it there recently.

The following night Kory was killed in a car accident. It happened a few minutes before midnight. Midnight was the begining of Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve was a sad time for us that day. I had been at the hospital all day and went to go home for a few minutes to get a few things for Kris and I to stay in the hospital. As I arrived home, on the porch sat the angel that Kory loved from the Howard’s Christmas party. A card in her hands said that when the Howard’s  returned from the hospital that day felt they needed to take the angel to us,  it was “Kory’s Angel.” They didn’t know until a few days later about the story of Kory being so taken with her. We put her up next to his tree every year.

Let’s move forward a few years….. I have one more story to tell you about Kory and angels. Kory has had the assignment to be our guardian angel several times. Angels are real and watch over us. Usually the angels that watch over us our relatives that have passed on and are assigned to assist us with a particular problem. They can be others also but usually a relative that knows us personally. Kory has observed in the world of spirits a great preparation of “Angels” before a major disaster on earth. Those spirit beings prepare to be Angels of comfort to those in need. A couple of years ago just before Christmas Kory eluded to “Angels” again. He told me, “The Angels are coming Mom, the Angels are coming!” Kory was giving me a hint of the present that his father gave me for Christmas. It was a beautiful signed print from Mark Mabry on Christ in America with the children, as told in The Book of Mormon in 3rd Nephi. I love this picture.

Click here to see Mark Mabry’s work:

Another Testament of Christ; the video that features my picture.

Also that year was just before the Haiti earthquake. Many spirits were prepared to give comfort to those effected by the disaster. The same thing happened several years earlier with the Sir Lanka Tsunami. Kory does not know the details but he sees the preparation. Our hearts are turned to heavenly things at Christmas, as it should be. Angels do not have wings, The are beings of light that can move very quickly. Their speed in movement can sometimes appear blurred to look like wings. Actually the image of wings comes from history where they could not describe angels movement except to observe birds in flight. Be on the lookout this Christmas for Angels. They are always in our mist.


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