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Pam Harris says...
I just finished reading your book. I really felt the spirit as I read it. I am Michelle Harris Tillman's mother. She gave me the book for Christmas. Thank you for sharing your insights to the spirit world and life after death.
20th May
Josh's Friend says...
I hard one of my coworkers buy your book off of Kindle last night and this is what he sent me this morning.
This is Bret, I finished the book. When I arrived home I told myself that I would only read it for a half hour but I ended up reading until midnight and finished it off this morning. One of the best books I have ever read. It was very well written. I am using this as a book in my book store dates.
20th November
Carolyn Wilcken says...
Ever since my husband died suddenly, I have found an increased desire to know more of the afterlife. I just received your book on Christmas Eve. I have read it non-stop -- because I received the strong impression that I needed to give it to a women whose 31-year old son unexpectedly passed away this week, a few days before Christmas. Several pages into the book, I knew I had been inspired to order the book for her. I will give it to her today.
26th December
Patti Scrivens says...
6 years ago one of our precious grandsons was killed in a car accident outside of Baker City in Oregon. May 3, 2011, one of our sons died suddenly of complications from pneumonia. I am so happy to find out about your book "Kory". I'm anxious to read it. I didn't have too many questions re death, but now that our son Corey has passed away,I'm flooded with so many. Thanks in advance for writing "Kory. I will send along another comment after I finish reading the book.
20th December
Pops says...
Beautiful book. We sometimes lose sight of how much Heavenly Father loves us and how great and marvelous life is. Thank you for reminding us.
8th December
Jennifer Stevens says...
Kelly's book, Kory, brings to light many comforting and tender insights about life, death, and life beyond this mortal sphere. Her book has helped me appreciate the wonderful gift this life and this body are. How sweet to know that our pets can be with us. I think everyone, even if you haven't experienced the loss of a child, will find something that brings meaning and peace to their hearts. How good to know we are loved, and there is more than just this life to keep growing and learning and, loving and being loved. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in finding meaning in this life. My sympathies to parents and grandparents who have lost children or grandchildren. I hope they can come to know their children and grandchildren are not lost.
23rd November
Linda Holt says...
What a comfort this book is and will be for those experiencing the loss of a loved-one. I read the book and can't wait to download it onto my kindle so I can reread it on my travels. Kelly Paries did a wonderful job in what had to be hard to relive the many days and months of sorrow.
6th August
Gloria Gordon says...
As a grandmother who lost her first grandchild at the age of 14 from a terrible tragedy, the book Kory was brilliantly written from start to finish. Very emotional. When someone we love dies, we have so many questions. This book gives hope and healing to all involved. It brings peace to my heart knowing that we can be united after death and be an eternal family forever.
19th May
Tammie Jasperson says...
I have just ordered your book after seeing an article about the book in the Idaho State Journal. I live in Pocatello Id. Wish I had known you were here. I lost my 24 year old daughter Carrie on August 28,2010. I would suggest if you have not read it a book by Lance Richardson who lived in Idaho Falls and his experiences while in a coma called "The Message" I had just read the book 3 days before my daughter died. I lost my daughter my parents an uncle and a very close friend in a 13 month time period. So I am anxious to read your book. My faith carries me thru but as you know it is an overwhelming and painful experience. Thank you for sharing I will comment after I read the book.
2nd May
Barry Bjork says...
Just wanted to let you know I'm very much enjoying reading Kory. I've read about half of it so far...I'm a slow reader :) The two things I have enjoyed most so far is first, it's a great reminder to me to keep an eternal perspective on life. The choices I am making now will have a direct impact on my experiences after death. And second, I have been able to ponder more about life in the spirit world than I have before. This is exciting to think about what I may be able to experience and do as I stay true to my covenants. It's also exciting for me to give more thought to the work my dad might possibly be doing from the Spirit World. Thanks for writing this book and I look forward to what I have left to read!
19th April
Arthur Saraiva says...
I started reading it yesterday and I just finished it. LOVED IT. Now I need my own copy to have in my library (AKA, bookshelf.)
14th April
Annie Dearden says...
Everyone that has experienced a death of a loved one, or even a life-threatening illness to a family member, will be touched in a very personal way and will gain new insight as you read this emotionally real and surprisingly comforting book.
11th April
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