My Library

My Library (in part)

Today I wanted to give you some information that took me years to collect. It is some of my favorite books that I have used in my research about death and the Spirit world.  I have read everything I could find since I was 16 years old. Some I loved and re-read and kept for my library, some I read and gave away, some were library books. One thing that I have found is I love my faith! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has the most complete and plentiful information in regard to this subject anywhere in the world.

Check out their web site if you want more information. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

As stated in the 13 Article of Faith “If there is anything hvirtuous, ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

I know that through my research that I have discovered wonderful things from good people that have added to my knowledge.  I just get very frustrated when I have more knowledge at my fingertips and I want to settle for less? Makes no sense to me, but I believe we can all add to the conversation of life in meaningful ways. I do not believe in the phrase, “it is just the mystery of God and we do not question.”  One the first page of my website I use a quote from Joseph Smith that states my belief and love for my Father in Heaven perfectly.

All men know that they must die…
It is but reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something in reference to the matter, and it is a subject we ought to study more than any other.- Joseph Smith 

Our Father in Heaven wants us to know and research this topic of discussion for it is something we will all have to address at some point in our existence.  And I love that there is so much wonderful information out there. But I have had a unique blessing of regular communication with my son. He has taught me many things but mostly reaffirmed the information that I have learned through my years of study.

Here is part of my research list:

New Testament, Old Testament, Book of Mormon, D& C

1- ) Doctrines of Salvation- Joseph F. Smith

2- ) Brigham Young – Journal of Discourses

3- ) Mormon Doctrine- Bruce R. McConkie

4- ) Life Everlasting- Duane S. Crowther – ( Found most useful information)

5- ) The Message- Lance Richardson– (My Favorite! We gave this to many!)

6- ) The Gateway We Call Death- Russell M. Nelson

7- ) The Garden tomb- Andrew C. Skinner

😎 Visits from Beyond the Veil- True stories of angelic visitations-

Marlene Bateman Sullivan

9- ) Beyond The Veil- volumes 1,2&3- Lee Nelson- ( Started me on my journey)

10- ) And Should We Die…- Ron McMillian and Randy McMillian

11- ) Return from Tomorrow- George G. Ritchie with Elizabeth Sherrill -(1st book read, it changed my life- see blog on suicide)

12- ) Masquerading As Angels- Lance Richardson and Bruce Miller

13- ) Embraced by the Light- Betty J. Eddie

14- ) Guide Me to Eternity- Christine Tuttle Monsen

15- ) The Life Beyond- Robert L. Millet and Joseph Fielding McConkie

16- ) Life After Life- Raymond A. Moody Jr. MD

17- ) Glimpses Beyond Deaths Door- Brent L. Top and Wendy C. Top

18- ) Beyond Deaths Door- Brent L. Top and Wendy C. Top

19- ) They saw Beyond Death- Arvin S. Gibson

20- ) One Minute After you Die- Erwin W. Lutzer -( wasn’t crazy about this one!)

21- ) The Awakening Heart- Betty J. Eadie

22- ) The Power of Healing- From Readers Digest

23- ) He Lives- Hillary Weeks- (One of My Favorites!)

24- ) I Stand All Amazed- Elane Durham

25- ) My Life After Dying- George G. Ritchie Jr. MD

26- ) Joy Cometh in the Morning- Fran C. Hafen

27- ) Life Before Life- Sarah Hinze

28- ) The Anguish and Adventure of Adversity- Cheryl Carson

29- ) The Shack- William P. Young- (Did not like this one, a lot of wrong information!)

30-) Understanding Death and the Resurrection-Jay A. Parry and Donald W. Parry

31-) The Birth We call Death- Paul H. Dunn and Richard M. Eyre

32- ) Comfort My Soul In Christ- Death: Finding Hope Beyond Sorrow- Randy L.Bott

I have given you a few links to some of my favorites. You can search Amazon for the rest of the titles that you may be interested in.

I hope that this gives you a start to maybe seeing some information out there to help you understand your own journey’s. There were more but I no longer have copies of those books. If you have a favorite book on the subject let us know so we can share!

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